You can setup RefNow for Single Sign On (SSO) using Azure with the below steps:
You will need to signup for a RefNow Account first at:
1. Email to request for SSO to be setup for your account. We will send you a unique Azure SSO redirect url.
2. In Azure active directory, go to App Registrations and click New Registration
3. Enter a name for the Application, select the appropriate account types, and paste the redirect URL into the box for Web. Then click Register
4. Make a note of your ClientID and TenantID as you will need to send this to us.
5. Click on Certificates & Secrets -> New Secret and enter a name for the secret. Select Never expires (if the Never option does not exist, select the longest option). Then click Add.
6. Copy the Value for your new Secret by clicking the small icon to the right of it.
7. Send the following details to by using
Application (Client ID): xxxxxx
Directory (Tenant ID): xxxxxx
Secret (Value): xxxxxx
8. We will respond once SSO has been configured for your account. Please note that once SSO has been configured, you will no longer be able to login using to RefNow using your email and password. You must setup your users in RefNow (via Account-> Settings -> Users & Teams) before they will have access to the platform.