Using RefNow, HR Teams are able to use our online platform to request a new reference (employment verification) for a candidate, this involves specifying the candidate name, email, telephone, question profile template, and number of references you would like. It’s as simple as that.
Watch a video of how to add a candidate
Step 1
Click the New Request button from the RefNow portal (
Enter the requested contact details for the candidate and select a question profile (the questions you would like to ask the references). If this is your first request you can use the Default profile or customise your questions first from the Referencing -> Question Profiles menu.
You can select how many references are required from the candidate and include an optional message to be sent to the candidate, such as to request a reference from a specific company.
Step 2
After selecting your question profile, click the Preview button to view the questions in your selected question profile.
Step 3
Lastly, edit the default reminders frequency by clicking Edit Reminders
When you are ready to send your request, click the Send Request button.
The candidate will be sent an email and asked to provide their reference details. We will then contact each reference and ask them to complete the questions specified in your question profile.
You will receive an email notification once each reference has been received and you can view or download the reference report in the RefNow portal.