When you are requesting references you can also request a Digital ID check, this is a check of the candidates passport or other approved government issued ID.
Adding a Digital ID check enhances the quality of the reference check as it gives you assurance that the person who added the references was the person you sent the request to. You will also be able to see the ID document and check the persons photo matches the person you interviewed, for example when hiring people remotely.
What's more, if you are UK based then this can be used as a legal Right-to-work check, saving you time and providing the needed legal checks to hire the individual.
How to request a Digital ID check?
- Simply visit the RefNow Portal
- Click the New Request button in the top right corner (TIP: you can also get here quicker by typing ref.new into the address bar and pressing enter)
- Enter the details for the candidate
- Tick the box which says "Digital ID Check"
- Click Send Request
Once the Digital ID check has been completed by the candidate, you will be able to view the results by clicking the Download Report button for the request in the portal.